Monday, June 27, 2011

Sponsor Shout Out: Cakelettery

A big THANK YOU to 

for contributing bouquets of caklettes for our Grand Opening!

What is a "cakelette," anyway?   Our short answer? Delicious.

Our longer answer? Here goes: Cakelettes are fully-cooked bite-sized spheres of perfection, blending homemade cakes with homemade icing and finishing it all up with the perfect accent - chocolate (or vanilla!), and don't forget the extra helping of love baked in (please excuse the cliche!).

Apparently, these are the "latest craze" in the baking world, but we've been enjoying them for years! (We blame our love of frosting, chocolate and . . . cake!) You might've heard them called a number of different monikers: cake balls, cake pops, cake truffles, and so on. You might've even run into a something resembling a cakelette in your day-to-day. Either way, thank heavens you continued your search to The Cakelettery!

We're proud to have adapted the recipes we grew up with into an adorable package - that's delicious, to boot! We've yet to disappoint, and trust us, with a single Cakelette, you'll be be smitten! Truly, it will be love at first bite!

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